Online Tips Help Improve my Public Speaking Skills

Online Tips Help Improve my Public Speaking Skills

My worst fears were about to come true. Having just been promoted as the head of my branch, I was supposed to address a press conference on the future plans of the company. My public speaking skills have never been tested till date and here I was – going to take on a house full of journalists and stake holders of the company. I knew that I needed to improve on my public speaking skills, but before that I had to also get my wardrobe and looks in order. My current timepiece was a bit outdated and so I went online and found a site to buy luyxury watches. Now all I needed was to hone up my public speaking skills.

Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Some of the I picked up online to improve my public speaking skills were to use humour, personal stories and conversational language. Rehearsing out loud and practicing with a timer is important. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. Begin by addressing the audience. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.

Before speaking–and while speaking, take deep breaths that result from diaphragm movement, not movement of the upper chest. Public speaking pace should be slower and more deliberate than conversational speech. Having notes with you is the safest way to give a speech, especially a long speech or one filled with important points. Be prepared to update your talk on the spot as the result of pre-speech encounters with members of the audience.

Hopefully the tips I have picked up online will help me and make the press conference a success.

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